Bobby Fischer check mated #

Condolences for all chess players and the world. As the Icelandic media has announced this on 18th of Jan. the sudden death of the former world champion Robert James Fischer. "Chess is life" he said once. I believe that his life has ended 30 years ago when he gave up playing active chess. I think many of chess fans and veterans agree on that.
As soon as I read the sad news, I navigated the web searching for more news about Fischer. Oh, I have to admit that I found lots of confusing stories about the legendary chess champ. However, his chess brilliancy was not debated or questioned. His life [after retirement] was a mystery for every one.
During the next few days I will try to present some of best games; to explore his chess brilliancy is an easy task. However to reveal his loony actions after 1972, I believe it is not in my hand.


  1. Thank you very much for the comments.
    Those are some extremely useful tips.

    I shall keep track of how your blog is coming along. I shall check out Mona and how she has progressed and hopefully she will receive some well deserved recognition.


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